Child Dedications

Child Dedication is an opportunity to publicly declare before God and our church your intent to raise your child following the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-7 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Some campuses have set times that they set aside for child dedications.  Check upcoming events section on this page to see scheduled child dedications.

Other campuses ask that you contact them and they will work with you to reserve some time at a future worship service to dedicate your child.  Fill out the interest form so that the campus can contact you to discuss your child’s dedication.

Questions? Email

Upcoming Events:

Child Dedications at San Marcos/Escondido
San Marcos/Escondido  – May 31, 2025

Child Dedications at Rancho Bernardo
Rancho Bernardo 

Child Dedications at Vista

Don’t see a dedication for your campus?

Fill out the interest form and we will contact you to schedule a dedication at a future worship service.

Fill out the online form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Deut. 6:5-7, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.”

Here at North Coast Church, dedicating your child involves making a promise before God, the congregation and your family and friends to do just that. It also means you are to accept whatever gifts and calling God might have for your child and that you promise to support whatever God has in mind.

We believe that once a child is old enough to understand the “Good News” about God’s love and then respond by inviting Jesus to take the “steering wheel” of their life, then they are old enough to be baptized. Although we do not list a specific age for children to be baptized, we strongly believe it should be the child’s decision and a choice that they truly understand.  We encourage families with preschool-age children and younger to consider having their child dedicated. Child dedications are a great opportunity for parents to reaffirm their commitment to raise children in a home where a relationship with God is central.

We ask two things of parents requesting to have their child dedicated. First, you should have already made your own personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Second, each parent participating in the dedication needs to be an active participant here at North Coast Church.

Each campus schedules their own child dedications and the event looks different at each campus.  Some campuses designate a service time and date for their dedications and you can sign up for a spot.  Others will work with you to find what date fits best for you and the pastor.

Fill out the interest form to get more information about getting your child dedicated.  We will contact you with more details for the specific campus you choose in the form.

You will receive a certificate signed by the pastor either at the time of the dedication or at your meeting with him/her. If you have a photo of your child, please upload it when you fill out the interest form, or email it to the event admin for the registration or drop it off at your campus as soon as you can, so it can be scanned and put on the screen for everyone to see and enjoy!
