Young Adult Ministries
These young adult ministries serve all campuses. They offer a way for young adults to be involved in a gospel-centered community that includes small group bible study and events. Check the ministry websites for more info.

The Jordan
Young Adults 18-25 Years
The Jordan is a community of young adults committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They gather on Thursday nights at 7pm on the Vista Campus for community, worship, and Biblical teaching. Come meet a member of their team at the “New Here” table outside the Edge on a Thursday nights.
In addition to Thursday night services, get connected in a Jordan life group or serve on a team! The Jordan team would love to connect with you!
Ministry Contact:
Natalie Lambresi
Jordan Life Group Pastor
(760) 724-6700

Union 2535
Young Adults 25-35 Years
Union2535 is a place for young adults, ages 25-35 years, to connect and experience life together. If you are a young adult looking for spiritual growth and like-minded community, we invite you to join us at Union2535.
Every third Thursday The Union meets on the Vista Campus. It’s where the TWENTY5 THIRTY5 community gets together for worship, teaching and time together outside of weekly life groups. Doors open at 7pm in the Warehouse.
Ministry Contact:
Scott Hoerner,
Twenty5 Thirty5 & Military Pastor
Phone: (760) 724-6700

North Coast Leadership Academy
Young Adults 18-25 Years
North Coast Leadership Academy is a two year program that offers training in specialized areas of ministry, along with courses in the Bible, leadership, and essential skills to equip you for life.
This program is primarily open to dedicated Christian adults between the ages of 18 and 25 years old, who desire to be a fully committed follower of Christ.
Ministry Contact:
Travis Sybert
Pastor of North Coast Leadership Academy
Phone: (760) 724-6700