Exciting Growth & A New Service Time At Vista Campus

We have some exciting updates to share with you regarding some Vista Campus venues and a new service time!
For the last couple years, our Spanish ministry has been growing as our Spanish speaking members have done an incredible job inviting their friends, family and neighbors to church. To accommodate this growth, about a year ago, our Spanish Ministry added a Saturday 5pm service in addition to their Sunday 11am service. Since then, our Spanish services have continued to see growth and are consistently hitting record attendance as more and more people get connected at North Coast Church. A year later, they are once again outgrowing their space in The Chapel on Sunday at 11:00am.
This is why beginning August 18, our 11am Spanish service will be moving into The Warehouse, which can accommodate more people.
To accommodate for Spanish ministry moving into The Warehouse at 11am, Soul Gospel is adjusting its service times, and the Vista Campus is launching its fourth service time at 7:30am in Soul Gospel!
Beginning August 18, here are the new service times & locations for these venues:
Ministerio en Español
Saturdays at 5pm in The Chapel
Sundays at 11am in The Warehouse