

Watch online starting 5:45pm (PST) Saturdays

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Saturdays, 5pm
Sundays, 9am and 11am
Full children programs birth through 12th grade at all services


Saturday Service: 5pm
Sunday Services: 7:30am, 9am, 11am

Location: Vista Campus: 2405 North Santa Fe Avenue, Vista, CA 92084

Children’s and student ministries are offered at each service for infants through high school at all services, except 7:30am.

General questions can be directed to or (760) 724-6700.


Venue Options

North Coast Live: Contemporary music with the teaching pastor delivering the message live.
Saturdays 5pm
Sundays 9am, 11am

The Edge: Worshipful atmosphere in a concert-like setting. Featuring the same great weekend message on the big screen.
Saturdays 5pm
Sundays 9am, 11am

Soul Gospel in the Warehouse: Soulful, groove-oriented music. Featuring the same great weekend message on the big screen.
Saturdays 5pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9am

The Family Room: A great option for those who wish to keep their children with them during service. The full service live streams from The Edge.
Saturdays 5pm
Sundays 9am, 11am

Traditions in the Chapel: A mix of classic hymns and old favorite worship songs. Featuring the same great weekend message on the big screen.
Sundays 9am

Outdoor Venue:  Enjoy a live stream of  the service outdoors under the covered shade structure on the grass. Outdoor options are subject to change due to inclement weather.
Saturdays 5pm (March through November)
Sundays 9am, 11am

Ministerio en Español: Live teaching and worship in Spanish.
Sundays 11am in the Warehouse

Children’s Ministry Classes

Visit the Children’s Ministry page for more info.


Contact: Theresa Kidwell
Children’s Pastor
Coast Kids Infant-PreK


Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Contact: Gina Sur
Children’s Pastor
Coast Kids K to 5th Grade


Student Ministries Classes

Visit the Student Ministries page for more info.

6th Grade

Contact: Erin Dougan
Pastor, Tower 6


7th & 8th Grade

Contact: Gordy Nixon
Pastor, JH78


9th & 10th Grade

Contact: Hayden Feidel
Pastor, NineTen


11th & 12th Grade

Contact: Anthony Barrozo
Pastor, ElevenTwelve


Prefer to watch online?

The full weekend service is posted online every Saturday by 5:30pm.
You can watch on demand anytime at, YouTube, or the North Coast Church App.

Service Animals 

North Coast Church welcomes all service animals that meet the requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to our campuses. Please note, non-service animals are not able to be on a North Coast Church property or campus, this includes all outdoor venues and meeting spaces as well. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Send a prayer request to our prayer team.

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  • No registration or account needed.
  • One-time or Automatic Repeat Donations
  • Give with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or E-Check

Get connected to the online community!  We are actively adding small gatherings, online groups and more around the country. Let us know where you are watching from! We can offer online resources and opportunities to connect with others in your area.

Watch the latest sermon every Saturday at 5:45pm or anytime on demand with the North Coast Church app, YouTube Channel or here on this site.

Campus Pastor

Trent Jenkins

  (760) 724-6700

Community Gatherings

Upcoming Events

Adults, Welcome

Welcome to North Coast Church (Online) - April 2

April 02, 2025  
Join us for our "Welcome to North Coast Church" online event! This is a great opportunity to spend time with...
All Campuses, Online, Vista
Classes, Couples, Pre-Marital

Preparing for Marriage - Virtual Class

July 07, 2025 - August 11, 2025  
Designed to help you build the foundation for a healthy, growing, and Christ-centered marriage and the opportunity to ask lots...

Campus News
