Prison Ministry

When a loved one is incarcerated, everything changes. The changes are far-reaching and impact your relationships with family and friends. The pain all experience can be overwhelming if done alone. You are not alone. While state and county rules have changed for visitations, we do provide prayer and support for the newly released and families who have a loved one in prison.

Currently, we have volunteers who have clearance for visits to the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego.  Our volunteers are available to meet a need or fulfill an ask to help you get back on track or help provide a safe place to process your thoughts and feelings.

Whether you are the person or a family member of an incarcerated person, please reach out to us. We have those who are waiting to help you.

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The Life Skills and Support Group Ministry

You are not alone; we all need others to conquer strongholds in our lives. We provide Christian leadership and support and will join you in your path of becoming who God has created and destined you to be.  Check out all the classes and support groups that the ministry offers.

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